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1. How Can a Laravel ChatGPT Integration Use ChatGPT to Validate Form Inputs with Text that Require Intelligent Interpretation

Updated on: 2024-03-20

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Blog: ChatGPT Laravel Validation for Form Inputs package blog
Package: ChatGPT Laravel Validation for Form Inputs

Laravel is a well-known PHP framework used by many PHP developers who want to develop Web applications and APIs.

Laravel can be extended with packages that implement additional services that make Laravel more useful.

This package implements a validation service that uses ChatGPT API to validate form inputs of Web applications using specific prompts to check whether input values are of certain types.

This package makes it easy to validate form inputs that are usually hard to validate using traditional programming that is not based on artificial intelligence.

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17. How to Implement a PHP Google Drive List Files Script

Updated on: 2024-03-19

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Blog: PHP OAuth Library package blog
Package: PHP OAuth Library

Google Drive is a very popular file storage application that many people use to store their files on a site they can access from anywhere they have a computer, tablet, or mobile phone with an Internet connection.

Developers can make Google Drive more valuable by integrating its API with other applications that need to store user files on an Internet-accessible service like Google Drive.

Please read this short tutorial to learn how to integrate PHP applications with Google Drive, using its API and the PHP OAuth client to list files stored in a Google Drive account.

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1. How to Run a PHP Long Running Process Started from a Web Page Without Making Users Wait by Using Redis with Lua Scripts Configured by Your PHP Application

Updated on: 2024-03-18

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Blog: Taurus Publisher PHP Redis Client Library package blog
Package: Taurus Publisher PHP Redis Client Library

Some tasks executed by computers may take a long time to complete due to the complexity of the task steps. When computer systems are under excessive load, those tasks may take a lot more time to finish.

That may happen when a user wants to publish an article in a blog system. Usually, that task requires creating and updating many database records.

When a system is under a lot of load, if multiple parallel tasks perform database access operations on the same tables, finishing all parallel tasks may take a lot of time.

Making users wait a long time for a computer task to finish is not a good idea because users may become irritated due to the lack of patience.

Using a queue management system may help avoid this problem. The long tasks are sent to a queue quickly, and the user does not have to wait long. Later, the queue processing system may execute all queued tasks, one at a time, to avoid causing system overloading.

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1. How to Quickly Setup a WordPress Coming Soon Page with a Plugin

Updated on: 2024-03-15

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Blog: Ade WordPress Coming Soon Page Plugin package blog
Package: Ade WordPress Coming Soon Page Plugin

A project may take a long time to be developed until it is ready to be released.

While the project is not ready, a website page about it may display a message coming soon to let other people know they can visit the page later and check if it has already been launched.

This package implements a WordPress plugin that can simplify the generation of pages for the coming soon.

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1. How to Use a PHP S3 File Manager to Manipulate Files Stored in Amazon S3 Using a Web Interface

Updated on: 2024-03-14

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Blog: S3 B2B PHP Amazon S3 File Manager package blog
Package: S3 B2B PHP Amazon S3 File Manager

Amazon S3 is a popular cloud service for hosting files used in Web projects.

To access files stored by the Amazon S3 service, developers need to access its API.

Provide an intuitive application that users can use alone to help lay users access and manipulate those files.

This package provides an intuitive Web application that users can access to perform several operations with files, including moving files between different Amazon S3 buckets.

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1. How to Benefit from a More Flexible PHP Pagination Library That Uses Callback Functions and Iterators to Generate Paginated Listings or API Responses

Updated on: 2024-03-12

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Blog: ESI PHP Pagination package blog
Package: ESI PHP Pagination

Many applications need to display information listings with items that can be very long and do not fit on a single-screen page.

Splitting the listing into multiple pages with limited items per page is a standard solution.

This package provides a flexible solution that returns an iterator object to let applications traverse the listing of pages.

It also allows callback functions to define the pagination parameters.

This way, developers can provide callback functions adapted to any data source for listing items that applications need to display or even return as a response to API calls.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Spreadsheet Manipulation Tool Using a Matrix Class That Can Export Data to Files in Formats LikE CSV, XML, JSON, HTML table, Markdown, YAML, and SQL

Updated on: 2024-03-08

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Blog: Div PHP Matrix Library package blog
Package: Div PHP Matrix Library

A matrix data type can store many values, like a table.

Several types of applications need to perform operations on data stored in a matrix.

This package can perform several operations on a matrix and output the resulting matrix in several formats, such as CSV, XML, JSON, HTML table, Markdown, YAML, and SQL.

This package can be used by applications that need to convert matrix data to a format that other applications can use.

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1. How to Generate Faster Responses to Laravel Application HTTP Requests Faster Using Protocol Buffers

Updated on: 2024-03-07

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Blog: Laravel Protocol Buffers package blog
Package: Laravel Protocol Buffers

Protocol buffers are a way to serialize data in an efficient way that may result in strings that can be the same and faster to transmit over Internet connections.

This package provides an example application for studying how to use Protocol buffers to generate responses to HTTP requests in a Laravel application.

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16. How to Implement a PHP Google Sheets Access Solution Without Using Google Libraries

Updated on: 2024-03-05

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Blog: PHP OAuth Library package blog
Package: PHP OAuth Library

Google Sheets is a viral tool used to create and edit spreadsheets.

Google provides an API to access spreadsheets created with Google Sheets.

Read this short introduction tutorial to learn how to access a spreadsheet using Google Sheets API via OAuth without using Google libraries.

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1. How to Implement a PHP ElasticSearch Index Backup Solution That You Can Recover Using Amazon S3 to Store the Backup Files

Updated on: 2024-03-01

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Blog: Nomad PHP ElasticSearch Backup and Restore package blog
Package: Nomad PHP ElasticSearch Backup and Restore

ElasticSearch is a tool to index and search content so that it can be quickly searched.

Usually, developers need to build indexes with the content that will be searched. Then, they use ElasticSearch queries to perform searches about the indexed content.

This package provides a solution that can backup and restore ElasticSearch indexes in Amazon S3 just in case it is necessary to restore lost ElasticSearch indexes due to data corruption or an eventual security issue.

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