ods-php a library to read and write ods files from php.
This library has been forked from eyeOS project and licended under the LGPL3
terms available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt (relicenced
with permission of the copyright holders)
Copyright: Juan Lao Tebar ([email protected]) and Jose Carlos Norte ([email protected]) - 2008
include("ods.php"); //include the class and wrappers
$object = newOds(); //create a new ods file
$object->addCell(0,0,0,1,'float'); //add a cell to sheet 0, row 0, cell 0, with value 1 and type float
$object->addCell(0,0,1,2,'float'); //add a cell to sheet 0, row 0, cell 1, with value 1 and type float
$object->addCell(0,1,0,1,'float'); //add a cell to sheet 0, row 1, cell 0, with value 1 and type float
$object->addCell(0,1,1,2,'float'); //add a cell to sheet 0, row 1, cell 1, with value 1 and type float
saveOds($object,'/tmp/new.ods'); //save the object to a ods file
$object=parseOds('/tmp/new.ods'); //load the ods file
$object->editCell(0,0,0,25); //change the value for the cell in sheet 0, row 0, cell 0, to 25
saveOds($object,'/tmp/new2.ods'); //save with other name