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File: toastui/test/text.spec.js

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   toastui/test/text.spec.js   Download  
File: toastui/test/text.spec.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 6,264 bytes


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/** * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <[email protected]> * @fileoverview Test cases of "src/js/component/text.js" */ import fabric from 'fabric/dist/fabric.require'; import $ from 'jquery'; import Graphics from '../src/js/graphics'; import Text from '../src/js/component/text'; describe('Text', () => { let canvas, graphics, mockImage, text; beforeAll(() => { graphics = new Graphics($('<canvas>')[0]); canvas = graphics.getCanvas(); text = new Text(graphics); }); beforeEach(() => { mockImage = new fabric.Image(); graphics.setCanvasImage('mockImage', mockImage); }); afterEach(() => { canvas.forEachObject(obj => { canvas.remove(obj); }); }); describe('add()', () => { let activeObj; beforeEach(() => { text.add('', {}); activeObj = canvas.getActiveObject(); }); it('should make the blank text object when text parameter is empty string.', () => { const newText = activeObj.getText(); expect(newText).toEqual(''); }); it('should make the text object set default option when parameter has not "styles" property.', () => { const newTextStyle = activeObj.fontWeight; expect(newTextStyle).toEqual('normal'); }); it('should create the text object on center of canvas when parameter has not "position" property.', () => { const mockImagePos = mockImage.getCenterPoint(); expect(activeObj.left).toEqual(mockImagePos.x); expect(; }); }); it('change() should change contents in the text object as input.', () => { text.add('text123', {}); const activeObj = canvas.getActiveObject(); text.change(activeObj, 'abc'); expect(activeObj.getText()).toEqual('abc'); text.change(activeObj, 'def'); expect(activeObj.getText()).toEqual('def'); }); describe('setStyle()', () => { beforeEach(() => { text.add('new text', { styles: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }); }); it('should unlock style when a selected style already apply on the activated text object.', () => { const activeObj = canvas.getActiveObject(); text.setStyle(activeObj, { fontWeight: 'bold' }); expect(activeObj.fontWeight).not.toEqual('bold'); }); it('should apply style when the activated text object has not a selected style.', () => { const activeObj = canvas.getActiveObject(); text.setStyle(activeObj, { fontStyle: 'italic' }); expect(activeObj.fontStyle).toEqual('italic'); }); }); describe('_createTextarea()', () => { let $textarea; beforeEach(() => { text._createTextarea(); $textarea = $(text.getCanvasElement().parentNode).find('textarea'); }); afterEach(() => { text._removeTextarea(); }); it('should attach the created "textarea" element on canvas container.', () => { expect($textarea.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should have class name.', () => { const expected = 'tui-image-eidtor-textarea'; expect($textarea.attr('class')).toEqual(expected); }); it('should add inline style on "textarea" element.', () => { expect($textarea.attr('style')).not.toEqual(null); }); }); it('_removeTextarea() should remove "textarea" element on canvas container.', () => { text._createTextarea(); text._removeTextarea(); const $textarea = $(text.getCanvasElement().parentNode).find('textarea'); expect($textarea.length).toEqual(0); }); it('_onBlur() should hide the "textarea" element.', () => { const obj = new fabric.Text('test'); text._createTextarea(); const $textarea = $(text.getCanvasElement().parentNode).find('textarea'); text._editingObj = obj; canvas.add(obj); text._onBlur(); expect($textarea.css('display')).toEqual('none'); }); it('_onFabricScaling() should change size of selected text object.', () => { const obj = new fabric.Text('test'); const mock = { target: obj }; const scale = 10; const originSize = obj.getFontSize(); text.start({}); canvas.add(obj); obj.setScaleY(scale);'object:scaling', mock); expect(obj.getFontSize()).toEqual(originSize * scale); }); describe('_changeToEditingMode()', () => { let textarea; const ratio = 10; const expected = { fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'Comic Sans', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '700', textAlign: 'right', lineHeight: '3' }; const obj = new fabric.Text('test', expected); beforeEach(() => { text._createTextarea(); textarea = text._textarea; canvas.add(obj); spyOn(text, 'getCanvasRatio').and.returnValue(ratio); text._changeToEditingMode(obj); }); afterEach(() => { text._removeTextarea(); }); it('should change selected text object into textarea.', () => { expect('none'); }); it('should set style of textarea by selected text object.', () => { const textareaStyles =; expect(textareaStyles['font-size']).toEqual(`${expected.fontSize / ratio}px`); expect(textareaStyles['font-family'].replace(/'|"|\\/g, '')).toEqual(expected.fontFamily); expect(textareaStyles['font-weight']).toEqual(expected.fontWeight); expect(textareaStyles['font-align']).toEqual(expected.fontAlign); expect(textareaStyles['line-height']).toEqual(obj.getLineHeight() + 0.1); }); }); });