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File: up.php

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  Classes of Mike Gifford   XUpload/ViewDB   up.php   Download  
File: up.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main script which interacts with the classes
Class: XUpload/ViewDB
Upload files and view directory contents
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 6,791 bytes


Class file image Download
# Author: Mike Gifford #
# Organization: OpenConcept Consulting #
# e-mail: [email protected] #
# See related classes for more credits #

// Configuration
$uploadPath = '/usr/local/localhost/XUploadDB/uploads'; // --> / (NO FINAL SLASH)
$uploadURL = 'http://localhost/XUploadDB/uploads'; // --> http:// (NO FINAL SLASH)
$classPath = '/usr/local/localhost/XUploadDB/class';
$acceptedExtensions = array(".doc", ".xls", ".txt", ".pdf", ".gif", ".jpg", ".gz", ".zip", ".rar", ".ppt", ".mp3", ".html", ".htm");
$displayList = 'files'; // could be "folder" "files" "all"
$version = split ("\.", phpversion());
$databaseEnabled = '1'; // 1 if enbaled
if ($databaseEnabled) {
$_DB['DB_Host'] = "localhost";
$_DB['DB_Database'] = "be5";
$_DB['DB_User'] = "user";
$_DB['DB_Password'] = "password";
$viewDirectoryOBJ = new ViewDirDB;
    } else {
$viewDirectoryOBJ = new myDIR;

$uploadFormOBJ = new XUploadForm("$phpself");

// Header
$content = "<html>\n<body>";

// Work around for register_globals = Off
if ( $version < 4.1 ) {
$delete = $_GET['delete'];
$orderby = $_GET['orderby'];
} else {
$delete = $HTTP_GET_VARS['delete'];
$orderby = $HTTP_GET_VARS['orderby'];

// Delete Uploaded files
if (!empty($delete)) {
    if (
$uploadFileOBJ = new XuploadDB("file1", '', '', $acceptedExtensions);
$uploadFileOBJ = new Xupload("file1", '', '', $acceptedExtensions);
$uploadFileOBJ->removeFile("$delete")) {
         if (
$content = "Successfully deleted $delete";

// ===================
// Save Uploaded files
// ===================

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) {
// Create New Objects
if ($databaseEnabled)
$uploadFileOBJ = new XuploadDB("file1", '', '', $acceptedExtensions);
$uploadFileOBJ = new Xupload("file1", '', '', $acceptedExtensions);
$uploadFileOBJ->setDir( "$uploadPath" );

// if you want to remove "oldfile.pdf" if exists in upload dir and perms are ok
    // you must use setDir() method previously


// if you want to rename the remote file
    // yo must set it in the object instance, set to 1 to rename file, default value is 0
    // $myU3->xCopy(); //random name keeping extension
    // $myU3->xCopy("thenewname.ext") // you must provide the complete file name
    // $myU3->xCopy($my_new_name_var) // providing a var that contains the new name

$content .= $uploadFileOBJ->show_progressMessage();
    if (
$uploadSuccessful AND $databaseEnabled) {
$fileType = $viewDirectoryOBJ->get_type($filename);
$uploadFileOBJ->newDB($filename, $uploadPath, $uploadURL, $shortDescription, $longDescription, $fileType, $uploadedBy, $imageHeight, $imageWidth);

// ===================
// Display Uploaded files
// ===================

$viewDirectoryOBJ->setMASK($acceptedExtensions); // ("*.html,*.htm,*.txt") separated with comma
$RESULT = $viewDirectoryOBJ->getRESULT();
// print_r($RESULT);
// Ordering Results
foreach ($RESULT as $val) {
$sortarray[] = $val["$orderby"];
// if (!isset($logic) || empty($logic)) $logic = "asc"; $sort = 'SORT_ASC';
// elseif ($logic == "desc") $logic = "asc"; $sort = 'SORT_ASC';
// elseif ($logic == "asc") $logic = "desc"; $sort = 'SORT_DESC';
array_multisort($sortarray, $RESULT);

$content .= "<table cellpadding='5'>\n";
$content .= "<tr><td colspan='6' align=center>Files Found ".count($RESULT)."</td></tr>\n";
$content .= "<tr>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong>Thumbnail</strong></td>";
// $content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=folder\">Folder</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=file\">File</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=rawSize\">Size</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=type\">Type</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=time\">Time</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"$phpself?orderby=perms\">Permission</a></strong></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<strong>Delete</strong></td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";

 for (
$i=0 ; $i < count($RESULT); $i++ )
$bgcolor = ( $i%2 == 0 ) ? "#DDDDDD" : "#EFEFEF";
    if (
$RESULT[$i]["type"]=='image') {
$ext = strrchr($RESULT[$i]["file"] , ".");
strcasecmp ($ext, ".jpg")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, ".jpeg"))) {
$uploadID = $viewDirectoryOBJ->findUploadID($RESULT[$i]["file"]);
$thumbNailImages = "<img src=\"image.php?ID=$uploadID\">";
$content .= "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'>";
$content .= "<td>$thumbNailImages</td>";
// $content .= "<td>&nbsp;".$RESULT[$i]["folder"]."</td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<a href=\"$uploadURL/".$RESULT[$i]["file"]."\"target=\"_blank\">".$RESULT[$i]["file"]."</a></td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;".$RESULT[$i]["size"]."</td>";
$totalFileSize += $RESULT[$i]["rawSize"];
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;".$RESULT[$i]["type"]."</td>";
     if (
$content .= "<td>".strftime("%d.%m.%y - %H:%M",$RESULT[$i]["time"])."</td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;".$RESULT[$i]["perm"]."</td>";
$content .= "<td>&nbsp;<a href=\"$phpself?delete=".$RESULT[$i]["file"]."\">del</a></td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";

$content .= "</table>\n";
$content .= "<strong>Total Uploads: " . $viewDirectoryOBJ->humanFileSize("$totalFileSize") . "</strong>";
// ===================
// Show Form
// ===================
$content .= $uploadFormOBJ->begin();
$content .= $uploadFormOBJ->setFormMaxFileSize("2097152");
$content .= $uploadFormOBJ->setFormFileInput("file1");
// $content .= $uploadFormOBJ->setFormFileInput("file2");
// $content .= $uploadFormOBJ->setFormFileInput("file3");
$content .= $uploadFormOBJ->setFormButton("submit","Upload");
$content .= $uploadFormOBJ->end();

$content .= "</body>\n</html>";

