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File: constants.php

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File: constants.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: 5 Levels of Login
Class: PHP MySQL Login 5 levels of Hierarchy
Manage site users within 5 levels of hierarchy
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 3,192 bytes


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 * Constants.php
 * This file is intended to group all constants to
 * make it easier for the site administrator to tweak
 * the login script.
 * Written by: Jpmaster77 a.k.a. The Grandmaster of C++ (GMC)
 * Last Updated: August 19, 2004
 * Modified by: Arman G. de Castro, October 3, 2008
 * email:
 * Database Constants - these constants are required
 * in order for there to be a successful connection
 * to the MySQL database. Make sure the information is
 * correct.
define("DB_SERVER", "localhost");
define("DB_USER", "");
define("DB_PASS", "");
define("DB_NAME", "");

 * Database Table Constants - these constants
 * hold the names of all the database tables used
 * in the script.
define("TBL_USERS", "users");
define("TBL_ACTIVE_USERS", "active_users");
define("TBL_ACTIVE_GUESTS", "active_guests");
define("TBL_BANNED_USERS", "banned_users");

 * Special Names and Level Constants - the admin
 * page will only be accessible to the user with
 * the admin name and also to those users at the
 * admin user level. Feel free to change the names
 * and level constants as you see fit, you may
 * also add additional level specifications.
 * Levels must be digits between 0-9.
define("ADMIN_NAME", "admin"); //1. admin conrol all
define("GUEST_NAME", "Guest");
define("ADMIN_LEVEL", 9); // 2. admin level .. control the master
define("MASTER_LEVEL", 8); // 3. master level .. master control the agent
define("AGENT_LEVEL", 1); // 4. agent level .. agent control the member
define("AGENT_MEMBER_LEVEL", 2); // 5. agent member level .. member control his/her own account
define("GUEST_LEVEL", 0); // 6. guest level .. guest only control himself

 * This boolean constant controls whether or
 * not the script keeps track of active users
 * and active guests who are visiting the site.
define("TRACK_VISITORS", true);

 * Timeout Constants - these constants refer to
 * the maximum amount of time (in minutes) after
 * their last page fresh that a user and guest
 * are still considered active visitors.
define("USER_TIMEOUT", 10);
define("GUEST_TIMEOUT", 5);

 * Cookie Constants - these are the parameters
 * to the setcookie function call, change them
 * if necessary to fit your website. If you need
 * help, visit for more info.
 * <>
// define("COOKIE_EXPIRE", 60*60*24*30); //30 days lang
define("COOKIE_EXPIRE", 60*60*24*100); //100 days by default
define("COOKIE_PATH", "/"); //Avaible in whole domain

 * Email Constants - these specify what goes in
 * the from field in the emails that the script
 * sends to users, and whether to send a
 * welcome email to newly registered users.
define("EMAIL_FROM_ADDR", "");
define("EMAIL_WELCOME", false);

 * This constant forces all users to have
 * lowercase usernames, capital letters are
 * converted automatically.
define("ALL_LOWERCASE", false);