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File: src/components/modal/Modal.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   WordPress React Plugin Kit   src/components/modal/Modal.tsx   Download  
File: src/components/modal/Modal.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,499 bytes


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/** * External dependencies */ import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element'; import { Dialog, Transition } from '@headlessui/react'; export interface IModal { /** * Modal opened or not */ open: boolean | undefined; /** * Modal title. */ title: string; /** * Modal size. */ size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'extra-large' | undefined; /** * Toggle modal open or close. */ setOpen(value: boolean): void; /** * Modal content. */ children: JSX.Element; } const Modal = ({ open, setOpen, title, children, size }: IModal) => { const getSizeClassName = (sizeData: string) => { switch (sizeData) { case 'small': return 'sm:max-w-md'; case 'medium': return 'sm:max-w-3xl'; case 'large': return 'sm:max-w-4xl'; case 'extra-large': return 'sm:max-w-[75%]'; default: return 'sm:min-w-[30rem]'; } }; return ( <Transition.Root show={open} as={Fragment}> <Dialog as="div" className="fixed z-50 inset-0 overflow-y-auto left-0 right-0" onClose={setOpen} > <Dialog.Overlay className="fixed inset-0 bg-black opacity-30" /> <div className="min-h-screen pt-4 px-4 pb-20 text-center sm:block sm:p-0"> <Transition.Child as={Fragment} enter="ease-out duration-300" enterFrom="opacity-0" enterTo="opacity-100" leave="ease-in duration-200" leaveFrom="opacity-100" leaveTo="opacity-0" > <Dialog.Overlay className="fixed inset-0 bg-gray bg-opacity-90 transition-opacity" /> </Transition.Child> {/* This element is to trick the browser into centering the modal contents. */} <span className="hidden sm:inline-block sm:align-middle sm:h-screen" aria-hidden="true" > &#8203; </span> <Transition.Child as={Fragment} enter="ease-out duration-300" enterFrom="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95" enterTo="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100" leave="ease-in duration-200" leaveFrom="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100" leaveTo="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95" > <div className={`inline-block bg-white rounded text-left overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all align-middle w-full ${getSizeClassName( typeof size === 'undefined' ? 'small' : size )} z-50 overflow-y-auto mt-28 sm:mt-0`} > <div className="absolute right-8 top-3 cursor-pointer" onClick={() => setOpen(false)} > <span className="text-xl text-black font-semibold hover:text-red-600"> &times; </span> </div> <Dialog.Title as="h3" className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium text-black bg-gray-liter p-4" > {title} </Dialog.Title> <div className="bg-white px-6 py-2 pb-5"> <div className="mt-3 text-center sm:mt-0 sm:text-left"> <div className="mt-4">{children}</div> </div> </div> </div> </Transition.Child> </div> </Dialog> </Transition.Root> ); }; Modal.defaultProps = { size: 'small', }; export default Modal;