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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Postgres/Trees.php
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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Postgres; use RedUNIT\Postgres as Postgres; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; /** * Trees * * This class has been designed to test tree traversal using * R::children() and R::parents() relying on * recursive common table expressions. * * @file RedUNIT/Postgres/Trees.php * @desc Tests trees * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class Trees extends Postgres { protected function summarize( $beans ) { $names = array(); foreach( $beans as $bean ) { $names[] = $bean->title; } return implode( ',', $names ); } /** * Test trees * * @return void */ public function testCTETrees() { R::nuke(); $pages = R::dispense(array( '_type' => 'page', 'title' => 'home', 'ownPageList' => array(array( '_type' => 'page', 'title' => 'shop', 'ownPageList' => array(array( '_type' => 'page', 'title' => 'wines', 'ownPageList' => array(array( '_type' => 'page', 'title' => 'whiskies', )) )) )) )); R::store( $pages ); $whiskyPage = R::findOne( 'page', 'title = ?', array('whiskies') ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $whiskyPage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'home,shop,whiskies,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $whiskyPage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'whiskies' ); $homePage = R::findOne( 'page', 'title = ?', array('home') ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $homePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'home' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $homePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'home,shop,whiskies,wines' ); $shopPage = R::findOne( 'page', 'title = ?', array('shop') ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $shopPage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'home,shop' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $shopPage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'shop,whiskies,wines' ); $winePage = R::findOne( 'page', 'title = ?', array('wines') ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'home,shop,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'whiskies,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' title NOT IN (\'wines\') ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'whiskies' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' title NOT IN (\'home\') ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ), 'shop,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ', array() ) ), 'home,shop,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' ORDER BY title ASC ', array() ) ), 'whiskies,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' title NOT IN (\'wines\') ORDER BY title ASC ', array() ) ), 'whiskies' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' title NOT IN (\'home\') ORDER BY title ASC ', array() ) ), 'shop,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' title != ? ORDER BY title ASC ', array( 'wines' ) ) ), 'whiskies' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' title != ? ORDER BY title ASC ', array( 'home' ) ) ), 'shop,wines' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::children( $winePage, ' title != :title ORDER BY title ASC ', array( ':title' => 'wines' ) ) ), 'whiskies' ); asrt( $this->summarize( R::parents( $winePage, ' title != :title ORDER BY title ASC ', array( ':title' => 'home' ) ) ), 'shop,wines' ); asrt( R::countChildren( $homePage ), 3 ); asrt( R::countParents( $whiskyPage ), 3 ); asrt( R::countChildren( $winePage, ' title != :title ', array( ':title' => 'wines' ) ) , 1 ); asrt( R::countChildren( $winePage, ' title = :title ', array( ':title' => 'wines' ) ) , 1 ); asrt( R::countParents( $winePage, ' title != :title ', array( ':title' => 'home' ) ) , 2 ); } /** * Test CTE and Parsed Joins. * * @return void */ public function testCTETreesAndParsedJoins() { R::nuke(); list($cards, $details, $colors) = R::dispenseAll('card*9,detail*4,color*2'); $colors[0]->name = 'red'; $colors[1]->name = 'black'; $details[0]->points = 500; $details[1]->points = 200; $details[2]->points = 300; $details[3]->points = 100; $cards[0]->ownCardList = array( $cards[1] ); $cards[1]->ownCardList = array( $cards[2], $cards[3] ); $cards[2]->ownCardList = array( $cards[4], $cards[5] ); $cards[3]->ownCardList = array( $cards[6], $cards[7], $cards[8] ); $cards[0]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User0')); $cards[1]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User1')); $cards[2]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User2')); $cards[3]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User3')); $cards[4]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User4')); $cards[5]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User5')); $cards[6]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User6')); $cards[7]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User7')); $cards[8]->ownOwner[] = R::dispense(array('_type'=>'owner', 'name'=>'User8')); $cards[0]->detail = $details[0]; $cards[1]->detail = $details[0]; $cards[2]->detail = $details[1]; $cards[3]->detail = $details[2]; $cards[4]->detail = $details[3]; $cards[5]->detail = $details[3]; $cards[6]->detail = $details[3]; $cards[7]->detail = $details[3]; $cards[8]->detail = $details[3]; $colors[0]->sharedCardList = array( $cards[0], $cards[2], $cards[4], $cards[6], $cards[8] ); $colors[1]->sharedCardList = array( $cards[1], $cards[3], $cards[5], $cards[7] ); R::storeAll(array_merge($cards,$details,$colors)); $cardsWith100Points = R::children($cards[0], ' @joined.detail.points = ? ', array(100)); asrt(count($cardsWith100Points),5); $cardsWith200Points = R::children($cards[0], ' @joined.detail.points = ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWith200Points),1); $cardsWith300Points = R::children($cards[0], ' @joined.detail.points = ? ', array(300)); asrt(count($cardsWith200Points),1); $cardsWith500Points = R::children($cards[0], ' @joined.detail.points = ? ', array(500)); asrt(count($cardsWith200Points),1); for($i=8; $i>=4; $i--) { $cardsWithMoreThan100Points = R::parents($cards[$i], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(100)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan100Points),3); } $cardsWithMoreThan200Points = R::parents($cards[8], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),3); $cardsWithMoreThan200Points = R::parents($cards[7], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),3); $cardsWithMoreThan200Points = R::parents($cards[6], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),3); $cardsWithMoreThan200Points = R::parents($cards[5], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),2); $cardsWithMoreThan200Points = R::parents($cards[4], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(200)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),2); for($i=8; $i>=2; $i--) { $cardsWithMoreThan300Points = R::parents($cards[4], ' @joined.detail.points > ? ', array(300)); asrt(count($cardsWithMoreThan200Points),2); } $black = R::children($cards[0], ' = ? ', array('black')); asrt(count($black),4); $red = R::children($cards[0], ' = ? ', array('red')); asrt(count($red),5); $black = R::parents($cards[8], ' = ? ', array('black')); asrt(count($black),2); $red = R::parents($cards[6], ' = ? ', array('red')); asrt(count($red),2); $found = R::children($cards[0], ' = ? ', array('User0')); asrt(count($found),1); $found = R::children($cards[0], ' IN (?,?) ', array('User1','User2')); asrt(count($found),2); $found = R::parents($cards[8], ' IN (?,?) ', array('User3','User0')); asrt(count($found),2); $found = R::children($cards[8], ' IN (?,?) ', array('User3','User0')); asrt(count($found),0); $found = R::children($cards[3], ' IN (?,?) ', array('User3','User7')); asrt(count($found),2); } /** * Test CTE and Parsed Joins with aliases as well * as chained parsed joins. * * @return void */ public function testCTETreesAndParsedJoinsAndAliases() { R::nuke(); R::aliases(array( 'author' => 'person', 'chart' => 'image' )); $person = R::dispense( 'person' ); $ceo = R::dispense('person'); $ceo->name = 'John'; $role = R::dispense('role'); $role->label = 'CEO'; $ceo->sharedRoleList = array( $role ); $person->name = 'James'; $editor = R::dispense('role'); $editor->label = 'editor'; $person->sharedRoleList = array( $editor ); $website = R::dispense('page'); $about = R::dispense('page'); $investor = R::dispense('page'); $links = R::dispense('page'); $category = R::dispense('category'); $category->title = 'business'; $about->sharedCategoryList = array( $category ); $blog = R::dispense('page'); $article = R::dispense('page'); $investor->title = 'investors'; $links->title = 'links'; $about->title = 'about'; $chart = R::dispense('image'); $chart->file = 'report.jpg'; $picture = R::dispense('image'); $picture->file = 'logo.jpg'; $picture->source = $website; $website->ownImageList = array( $picture ); $article->ownImageList = array( $picture ); $investor->ownImageList = array( $picture ); $about->ownImageList = array( $chart ); $about->author = $ceo; $about->coauthor = $person; $article->title = 'a walk in the park'; $website->ownPageList = array( $about, $blog ); $blog->ownPageList = array( $article ); $article->ownPageList = array( $links ); $about->ownPageList = array( $investor ); $article->author = $person; R::store( $website ); //joined-alias $pages = R::children( $website, ' = ? ', array('James') ); asrt(count($pages), 1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title, 'a walk in the park'); //Chained joined-alias+shared $pages = R::children( $website, ' = ? ', array('CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //joined-alias+shared parents $pages = R::parents( $investor, ' = ? ', array('CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //joined-alias parents $pages = R::parents( $links, ' = ? ', array('James') ); asrt(count($pages), 1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title, 'a walk in the park'); //own-alias $pages = R::children( $website, '@own.chart.file = ?', array('report.jpg') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //own-alias parent $pages = R::parents( $investor, '@own.chart.file = ?', array('report.jpg') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //own-alias parent + joined-alias+shared parents $pages = R::parents( $investor, '@own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('report.jpg', 'CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //own-alias + Chained joined-alias+shared $pages = R::children( $website, ' @own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('report.jpg', 'CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //own-alias + Chained joined-alias+shared + joined-alias $pages = R::children( $website, ' = ? AND @own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('John', 'report.jpg', 'CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //own-alias + Chained joined-alias+shared + joined-alias parents $pages = R::parents( $investor, ' = ? AND @own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('John', 'report.jpg', 'CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); $pages = R::parents( $links, ' = ? AND @own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('James', 'logo.jpg', 'editor') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'a walk in the park'); $pages = R::parents( $links, ' = ? AND @own.chart.file = ? AND = ? ', array('James', 'report.jpg', 'editor') ); asrt(count($pages),0); //other variations $pages = R::parents( $investor, ' @shared.category.title = ? ', array('business') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); R::aliases(array()); //joined-alias - explicit/non-global $pages = R::children( $website, ' @joined.person[as:author].name = ? ', array('James') ); asrt(count($pages), 1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title, 'a walk in the park'); //Chained joined-alias+shared - explicit/non-global $pages = R::children( $website, ' @joined.person[as:author].shared.role.label = ? ', array('CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //joined-alias+shared parents - explicit/non-global $pages = R::parents( $investor, ' @joined.person[as:author].shared.role.label = ? ', array('CEO') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title,'about'); //joined-alias parents - explicit/non-global $pages = R::parents( $links, ' @joined.person[as:author].name = ? ', array('James') ); asrt(count($pages), 1); $page = reset($pages); asrt($page->title, 'a walk in the park'); //double joined-alias parents - explicit/non-global $pages = R::children( $website, ' @joined.person[as:author/coauthor].name = ? ', array('James') ); asrt(count($pages), 2); //own-alias - explicit/non-global $pages = R::children( $website, ' @own.image[alias:source].file = ?', array('logo.jpg') ); asrt(count($pages),1); $pages = R::children( $website, ' @own.image[alias:source].file = ?', array('report.jpg') ); asrt(count($pages),0); $pages = R::children( $about, ' @own.image[alias:source].file = ?', array('logo.jpg') ); asrt(count($pages),0); } }