* This script illustrates how to use function "raiseError()".
// Set the search path.
ini_set('include_path', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/PEAR');
// it is possible to use directly in the script.
// after call, raises warning in line 13
raiseError('Test error, raises directly in the script', E_USER_WARNING);
// it is possible to use insidethe function.
function Simple()
raiseError('Test error, raises inside the function', E_USER_WARNING);
// after call function, raises warning inline 22.
// it is possible to use inside a class with intermediate function.
class SimpleClass
function SimpleClass()
function SimpleException()
* The constructor of a class uses this method for check. That the debug
* information was displayed not for the constructor, and for function
* calling it, we specify callLevel = 3. If method called directly, we
* specify callLevel = CLASS_LEVEL.
$callLevel = (getCallerMethod() == 'simpleclass') ? 3 : CLASS_LEVEL;
$this->raiseError('Test Exception', E_USER_WARNING, $callLevel);
* That the debug information was displayed for caller function, the
* parameter $callLevel is specified CLASS_LEVEL.
function raiseError($message, $type, $callLevel = CLASS_LEVEL)
$message = 'SimpleClass error: '.$message;
raiseError($message, $type, $callLevel);
// after call constructor, raises warning in line 56.
$simple = new SimpleClass;
// after call method, raises warning in line 59.
// it is possible to use user-defined error handler.
function handleError($message, $type, $file, $line)
print '<br>Called user-defined error handler';
exit("<br>Error: $message in $file on line $line");
// Other example of error handling with use of class PEAR.
class PEAR_Class extends PEAR
function PEAR_Class()
function SimpleException()
$this->raiseError('Test Exception');
function runSimpleException()
class Class_Error extends Error
var $error_message_prefix = 'PEAR_Class error: ';
var $skipClass = 'pear_class';
function Class_Error($message = 'unknown error', $code = null,
$mode = null, $options = null, $userinfo = null)
$this->Error($message, $code, $mode, $options, $userinfo);
$simple = new PEAR_Class;
// after call method, raises error in line 102
// after call method, raises error in line 105
// sets design mode
$GLOBALS['_Design_Mode'] = true;
// after this call, raises error in line 83
// sets a user-defined error handler function.