* Script : PHP Simple Excel File Generator - Base Class
* Project : PHP SimpleXlsGen
* Author : Erol Ozcan <eozcan@superonline.com>
* Version : 0.1
* Copyright : GNU LGPL
* URL : http://psxlsgen.sourceforge.net
* Last modified : 17 May 2001
* Desciption : This class is used to generate very simple
* MS Excel file (xls) via PHP.
* The generated xls file can be obtained by web as a stream
* file or can be written under $default_dir path. This package
* is also included mysql, pgsql, oci8 database interaction to
* generate xls files.
* Limitations:
* - Max character size of a text(label) cell is 255
* ( due to MS Excel 5.0 Binary File Format definition )
* Credits : This class is based on Christian Novak's small
* Excel library functions.
if( !defined( "PHP_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN" ) ) {
define( "PHP_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN", 1 );
class PhpSimpleXlsGen {
var $xls_data = ""; // where generated xls be stored
var $default_dir = "";
var $filename = "psxlsgen"; // save filename
var $fname = ""; // filename with full path
var $crow = 0; // current row number
var $ccol = 0; // current column number
var $totalcol = 0; // total number of columns
var $get_type = 0; // 0=stream, 1=file
var $errno = 0; // 0=no error
var $error = ""; // error string
var $dirsep = "/"; // directory separator
var $xls_stName = "Erol Özcan";
// Default constructor
function PhpSimpleXlsGen()
$os = getenv( "OS" );
$temp = getenv( "TEMP");
// check OS and set proper values for some vars.
if ( stristr( $os, "Windows" ) ) {
$this->default_dir = $temp;
$this->dirsep = "\\";
} else {
// assume that is Unix/Linux
$this->default_dir = "/tmp";
$this->dirsep = "/";
// begin of the excel file header
$this->xls_data = pack( "ssssss", 0x809, 0x08, 0x00,0x10, 0x0, 0x0 );
// WRITEACCESS: Write Access User Name
$name = str_pad( $this->xls_stName, 111, " " );
$this->xls_data .= pack( "ss", 0x5c,0x70 );
$this->xls_data .= pack( "C", 10 );
$this->xls_data .= $name;
// end of the excel file
function End()
$this->xls_data .= pack( "ss", 0x0A, 0x00 );
// write a Number (double) into row, col
function WriteNumber_pos( $row, $col, $value )
$this->xls_data .= pack( "sssss", 0x0203, 14, $row, $col, 0x00 );
$this->xls_data .= pack( "d", $value );
// write a label (text) into Row, Col
function WriteText_pos( $row, $col, $value )
$len = strlen( $value );
$this->xls_data .= pack( "s*", 0x0204, 8 + $len, $row, $col, 0x00, $len );
$this->xls_data .= $value;
// insert a number, increment row,col automatically
function InsertNumber( $value )
if ( $this->ccol == $this->totalcol ) {
$this->ccol = 0;
$this->WriteNumber_pos( $this->crow, $this->ccol, &$value );
// insert a number, increment row,col automatically
function InsertText( $value )
if ( $this->ccol == $this->totalcol ) {
$this->ccol = 0;
$this->WriteText_pos( $this->crow, $this->ccol, &$value );
// Change position of row,col
function ChangePos( $newrow, $newcol )
$this->crow = $newrow;
$this->ccol = $newcol;
// new line
function NewLine()
$this->ccol = 0;
// send generated xls as stream file
function SendFile( $filename )
$this->filename = $filename;
// send generated xls as stream file
function SendFile()
header ( "Expires: Mon, 1 Apr 1974 05:00:00 GMT" );
header ( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D,d M YH:i:s") . " GMT" );
header ( "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" );
header ( "Pragma: no-cache" );
header ( "Content-type: application/x-msexcel" );
header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$this->filename.xls" );
header ( "Content-Description: PHP Generated XLS Data" );
print $this->xls_data;
// change the default saving directory
function ChangeDefaultDir( $newdir )
$this->default_dir = $newdir;
// Save generated xls file
function SaveFile( $filename )
$this->filename = $filename;
// Save generated xls file
function SaveFile()
$this->fname = $this->default_dir."$this->dirsep".$this->filename;
if ( !stristr( $this->fname, ".xls" ) ) {
$this->fname .= ".xls";
$fp = fopen( $this->fname, "wb" );
fwrite( $fp, $this->xls_data );
fclose( $fp );
function GetXls( $type = 0 ) {
if ( !$type && !$this->get_type ) {
} else {
} // end of the class PHP_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN
// end of ifdef PHP_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN