#!/usr/bin/env php
* This file is part of the Symfony Standard Edition.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler;
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
echo 'Warning: '.__FILE__.' should be invoked via the CLI version of PHP, not the '.PHP_SAPI.' SAPI'.PHP_EOL;
function getRealpath($path, $message = 'Directory %s does not seem to be valid.')
if (!$path = realpath($path)) {
exit(sprintf($message, $path));
return $path;
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$autoloadDir = $bootstrapDir = null;
$useNewDirectoryStructure = false;
// allow the base path to be passed as the first argument, or default
if (!empty($argv[1])) {
$bootstrapDir = getRealpath($argv[1]);
if (!empty($argv[2])) {
$autoloadDir = getRealpath($argv[2]);
if (!empty($argv[3])) {
$useNewDirectoryStructure = true;
$rootDir = __DIR__.'/../../../../..';
if (null === $autoloadDir) {
$autoloadDir = getRealpath($rootDir.'/app', 'Looks like you don\'t have a standard layout.');
if (null === $bootstrapDir) {
$bootstrapDir = $autoloadDir;
if ($useNewDirectoryStructure) {
$bootstrapDir = getRealpath($rootDir.'/var');
require_once $autoloadDir.'/autoload.php';
// here we pass realpaths as resolution between absolute and relative path can be wrong