PHP Classes

Error: it was not found the OAuth session for user

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Subject:Error: it was not found the OAuth...
Summary:PHP OAuth Randomly Stopped Working
Author:Matt Donders
Date:2014-09-12 12:37:49


  1. Error: it was not found the OAuth...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Matt Donders Matt Donders - 2014-09-12 12:37:49
I use this PHP Class to authenticate users and grab data from the Fitbit servers - I store a unique user identifier in the MySQL database which will identify the user.

Randomly one day I started receiving a ton of errors about people not getting data from the Fitbit servers in my application. I am able to authenticate with no issue, but when I go to retrieve data I get the following error.

Error: it was not found the OAuth session for user "xxxxx" where "xxxxxx" is the unique identifier I have set for the user. This worked for almost 6 months and not sure what changed or how to begin debugging this.

Please let me know if you can be of some assistance!

Thank you in advance.

  2. Re: Error: it was not found the OAuth...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2014-09-13 01:58:54 - In reply to message 1 from Matt Donders
Keep in mind that sometimes API fail to respond due to temporary problemas on their side, so your application should be ready to deal with their glitches, probably retrying later.

Anyway, it is hard to tell what can be the problem without seeing some error logs. Try enabling the debug and debug_http variables and when it fails and post here (removing any sensitive information) so I can take a look.