Hi David,
Its been a while since I looked at the code, but this should help you:
In the index.php edit these lines:
$username = "dbuser";
$password = "dbpass";
$database = "mydatabase";
$server = 'localhost';
//textlocal login details
$tl_username = "
[email protected]";
$tl_password = "79dg474557";
(You'll need to signup at Textlocal - if you use http://www.textlocal.com/?tlrx=andy you should get some extra test credits)
upload everything to a web host, and upload the sql file to your MySQL database.
In the example file, change the line:
$provider = new smsAuth('1327804','parsnip123');
to be:
$provider = new smsAuth('1327804','parsnip123','http://path/to/index.php');
The first two variables are used if you want to have multiple streams of authentication - long story, but the sql has these set up to be on the safe side.
Hopefully, picking the example apart will help you understand how it all works. Any problems, give me a shout directly.. :)