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PHP Generate Json LD: Generate metadata for HTML pages in JSON-LD format

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Not enough user ratingsTotal: 193 All time: 8,552 This week: 40Up
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jsonld 1.1.0Freely Distributable7.4HTML, PHP 5, SEO


This package can generate metadata for HTML pages in JSON LD format.

It provides several classes that can be used to set properties of metadata values to be associated to the current Web pages.

The package can generate HTML tags in JSON LD format to be outputted within the current HTML page HEAD section.

Currently the package includes classes specialized in generating JSON LD metadata for pages that are articles, events or local businesses.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2020
Number 3
JSON-LD is a format of metadata that can be embedded in a Web page. It makes it easier easier to extract and process Web page metadata by external applications, like for instance search engines.

That metadata allows those external applications understand better what those pages are about, as well have more details about the pages that may not be visible to human users.

This package simplifies the process of generating metadata to be embedded in Web pages in JSON-LD format.

Manuel Lemos
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Innovation award
Innovation award
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use SKien\JsonLD\JsonLD;


$oJsonLD = new JsonLDLocalBusiness('FoodEstablishment'); // 'SportsActivityLocation');
$oJsonLD->setInfo('Sportsclimbing SC', '', '12345 67890');
$oJsonLD->setDescription('Sportsclimbinbg indoor and outdoor for everyone');
$oJsonLD->setAddress('Street 12', '12345', 'MyTown', '', 'Germany');
$oJsonLD->setLocation('Sportsclimbing SC', 48.3365629, 7.8447896, ',7.8447896,156m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47912e4949b57841:0xc26f08dacee0a1a9!8m2!3d48.3367173!4d7.8441243');
$oJsonLD->addImage('elephpant.png'); // usually you should use a bigger image - only for test purposes to avoid warning from test tool
$oJsonLD->setProperty('menu', '', JsonLD::URL);
$oJsonLD->addOpeningHours([1,1,1,1,1,0,0], '8:00', '12:00');
$oJsonLD->addOpeningHours([1,1,0,0,1,0,0], '13:00', '17:30');

// and create department...
$oDepartment = new JsonLDLocalBusiness('Organization', true);
// at least the @id MUST be other than the base-id!
$oDepartment->setInfo('Sportsclimbing SC - Outdoor Center', '');
$oDepartment->setAddress('Another street', '12345', 'MyTown');

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Json LD Generator</title>
<!-- insert the tag in the head section of the document -->
<?php echo $oJsonLD->getHTMLHeadTag(false);?>
    <h1>Json LD Generator - Local Business</h1>
    <p>You can copy generated JsonLD script to test it in
        <a target="_blank" href="">
    <textarea style="font-family: 'Courier'; width: 100%; white-space: nowrap;" rows="50" spellcheck="false"><?php echo $oJsonLD->getJson(true);?></textarea>


PHP JsonLD Generator: Generate Linked Data for embedding in a Website

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JSON-LD is a syntax recommended by the W3C that can be used to embed structured data and generally applicable schemas for data structuring in the compact JSON format.

Structured data helps search engines understand web pages better. Semantic annotation enables meaningful connections to be established, information to be automatically read out and transferred to other forms of representation. The Google search engine relies on structured data to provide users with rich search results and other SERP elements. The advantage for the website operator is that the search results highlighted in this way stand out much more and thus increase the visibility of a website.

With the help of Linked Data, a website provides not only the presentation, but also its content in machine-readable and classifiable form for further processing and categorization.

In addition to JsonLD, Microdata and RDFa are often used to integrate linked data into a website. The most important difference between JsonLD and Microdata or RDFa is that the structured data is stored in the [head] area of a page (and no longer within the [body] as with the other methods). This means that existing HTML elements do not have to be expanded or optimized. In this way, existing pages can be expanded much more quickly with Linked Data, and the generation of the Linked Data and the generation of the HTML code for displaying the page are clearly separated from each other.

Structured data helps search engines put the information on your website in the right context. This enables search engines to better determine what the website is about.

Website owners have the advantage that this additional information is sometimes displayed in the search results. For example an organization, an author, recipes, reviews or locations. This makes your entry stand out from the others and is rather clicked on.


Google does not guarantee that your structured data will show up in search results, even if your page is marked up correctly according to the Structured Data Testing Tool. Here are some common reasons why:

- Using structured data enables a feature to be present, it does not guarantee that it will be present. The Google algorithm tailors search results to create what it thinks is the best search experience for a user, depending on many variables, including search history, location, and device type. In some cases it may determine that one feature is more appropriate than another, or even that a plain blue link is best.

- The structured data is not representative of the main content of the page, or is potentially misleading.

- The structured data is incorrect in a way that the testing tool was not able to catch.

- The content referred to by the structured data is hidden from the user.

- The page does not meet the guidelines for structured data described here, the type-specific guidelines, or the general webmaster guidelines.


You can download the Latest release version from


EventTest.php shows simple code to generate a valid JsonLD Tag for an event:

$oJsonLD = new JsonLDEvent();

$oJsonLD->setInfo('A great Concert for all...', new DateTime('2020-06-12 18:30'), new DateTime('2020-06-12 22:00'));
$oJsonLD->setDescription('... would it not be amazing, if these two musicians could perform together!');
$oJsonLD->setAddress('Kensington Gore', 'SW7 2AP', 'London', '', 'United Kingdom');
$oJsonLD->setLocation('Royal Albert Hall', 51.5009088, -0.177366, '');
$oJsonLD->addOffer('Seat', 80, 'GBP', $oJsonLD::AVAILABLE_PRE_ORDER, '');
$oJsonLD->addOffer('VIP', 250, 'GBP', $oJsonLD::AVAILABLE_PRE_ORDER, '');
$oJsonLD->setOrganizer('Queen Mum');
$oJsonLD->addPerformer('Elton John');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Json LD Generator</title>
<!-- insert the tag in the head section of the document -->
<?php echo $oJsonLD->getHTMLHeadTag(false);?>

Examples of LocalBusiness and Article can be found in the BusinessTest.php and ArticleTest.php.

A detailed description of the required and recommended properties for the objects and the valid values to be used can be found in the class and function headings of the various objects.

  Files folder image Files (20)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageSKien (2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file ArticleTest.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file autoloader.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file BusinessTest.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file clover.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Image file elephpant.png Icon Icon image
Accessible without login Plain text file EventTest.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file githubwiki.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file phpstan.neon Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. readme

  Files folder image Files (20)  /  SKien  
File Role Description
Files folder imageJsonLD (4 files)
Files folder imageTest (1 directory)

  Files folder image Files (20)  /  SKien  /  JsonLD  
File Role Description
  Plain text file JsonLD.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDArticle.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDEvent.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDLocalBusiness.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (20)  /  SKien  /  Test  
File Role Description
Files folder imageJsonLD (5 files)

  Files folder image Files (20)  /  SKien  /  Test  /  JsonLD  
File Role Description
  Plain text file JsonLDArticleTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDEventTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDLocalBusinessTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file JsonLDTestCase.php Class Class source

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