Async requests
Create new request
$req = new Req();
$promise = array();
$promise[] = $req::Get(''); // GET method
$promise[] = $req::Post(''); // POST method
$promise[] = $req::Put(''); // CUSTOM method
Run all request
$response = Run::Async($promise);
Proxy sintax
# PROXY (http/s, socks4, socks5)
$server = [
"SERVER" => "ip:port"
# Windscribe
$server = [
"SERVER" = "socks5h://",
"AUTH" => "w07l3gbt-r6vxdfpb:ucxqefrada3h"
# Webshare
$server = [
"SERVER" = "",
"AUTH" => "user-rotate:pass"
# APIFY valid syntax example
$server = [
"SERVER" = "",
"AUTH" => "auto:pasword"
# IPVANISH valid syntax example
$server = [
"SERVER" => "",
"AUTH" => "my_zone_customer_id:my_zone_customer_password"
Get sintax
$headers = ['Origin:', 'MSG: testing'];
$server = ["METHOD" => "TUNNEL", "SERVER" => "ip:port"];
$req = new Req();
$promise = array();
$promise[] = $req::Get('');
$promise[] = $req::Get('', $headers); // Using headers
$promise[] = $req::Get('', $headers, null, 'file_example_cookie_file'); // Using headers and cookies
$promise[] = $req::Get('', null, $server); // Using only proxy
$response = Run::Async($promise); // Run all resquests
Post sintax
$headers = ['Origin:', 'MSG: testing'];
$server = ["METHOD" => "TUNNEL", "SERVER" => "ip:port"];
$post = ['name' => 'Jhon', 'age' => 25];
$req = new Req();
$promise = array();
$promise[] = $req::Post(''); // Simple resquest
$promise[] = $req::Post('', http_build_query($post)); // Post data
$promise[] = $req::Post('', $post); // Post (in json)
$promise[] = $req::Post('', $post, $headers); // Post (in json) and headers
$promise[] = $req::Post('', null, $headers, null, 'cookie_example'); // Using headers and cookies
Custom methods
$req = new Req();
$promise = array();
* Format:
* $promise[] = $req::MethodName('url', $post_data, $headers, $server, $cookie_name);
* $response = Run::Async($promise);
$promise[] = $req::Put('');
$promise[] = $req::Patch('');
$promise[] = $req::Delete('');
Run requests
$req = new Req();
$promise = array();
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$promise[] = $req::Get('');
$response = Run::Async($promise); // Run all resquests
$response = Run::Async([$promise[0], $promise[1]]); // Run someone resquests
$response = Run::Async($promise, 100); // Modified ms
Install source from GitHub
To install the source code:
$ git clone
Install from Composer
$ composer require mateodioev/async-curl-requests:dev-master
And include it in your scripts:
require './vendor/autoload.php';
use Async\Req;
use Async\Run;