Numverify API Client Library for PHP
Numverify phone number validation and country API client library for PHP.

This library is a fork of markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php
. See Acknowledgements for more information.
Cache of client (Guzzle) calls. See
Construct API to use a cache
Phone number validation API
* Validate phone numbers
* Carrier information
* Line type
* Location info: country, local information
* Phone number formats
Countries API
* List of countries
* Country names, country codes, dialing codes
Numverify API documentation:
Add the library to your composer.json
file in your project:
"require": {
"esi/numverify-api-client-php": "3.*"
Use composer to install the library:
$ php composer.phar install
Composer will install Numverify API Client Library for PHP inside your vendor folder. Then you can add the following to your
.php files to the use library with Autoloading.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Alternatively, use composer on the command line to require and install Numverify API Client Library:
$ php composer.phar require esi/numverify-api-client-php:3.*
Minimum Requirements
Create New API
$accessKey = 'AccountAccessKeyGoesHere';
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey);
Phone Number Validation API
$phoneNumber = '14158586273';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
// Phone number information
if ($validatedPhoneNumber->isValid()) {
$number = $validatedPhoneNumber->getNumber(); // 14158586273
$localFormat = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocalFormat(); // 4158586273
$internationalPrefix = $validatedPhoneNumber->getInternationalFormat(); // +14158586273
$countryPrefix = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryPrefix(); // +1
$countryCode = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryCode(); // US
$countryName = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryName(); // United States of America
$location = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocation(); // Novato
$carrier = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCarrier(); // AT&T Mobility LLC
$lineType = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLineType(); // mobile
// Use optional country code parameter for local (non-E.164) phone numbers
$phoneNumber = '4158586273';
$countryCode = 'US';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber, $countryCode);
// PHP Interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $validatedPhoneNumber;
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($validatedPhoneNumber);
Countries API
$countries = $api->getCountries();
// Find countries (by country code or by name)
$unitedStates = $countries->findByCountryCode('US');
$japan = $countries->findByCountryName('Japan');
// Country information
$usCountryCode = $unitedStates->getCountryCode(); // US
$usCountryName = $unitedStates->getCountryName(); // United States
$usDialingCode = $unitedStates->getDialingCode(); // +1
$japanCountryCode = $japan->getCountryCode(); // JP
$japanCountryName = $japan->getCountryName(); // Japan
$japanDialingCode = $japan->getDialingCode(); // +81
// Country collection is iterable
foreach ($countries as $country) {
$countryCode = $country->getCountryCode();
$countryName = $country->getCountryName();
$dialingCode = $country->getDialingCode();
// Country collection PHP interfaces
$numberOfCountries = count($countries);
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($numberOfCountries);
// Country PHP interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $unitedStates; // US: United States (+1)
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($unitedStates);
Signature of the Api constructor
* Api constructor.
* Requires an access (or api) key. You can get one from Numverify:
* @see
* Note: If you are on their free plan, $useHttps = true will not work for you.
* @param string $accessKey API access key.
* @param bool $useHttps (optional) Flag to determine if API calls should use http or https.
* @param ClientInterface|null $client (optional) Parameter to provide your own Guzzle client.
* @param array<string, mixed> $options (optional) Array of options to pass to the Guzzle client.
public function __construct(
private readonly string $accessKey,
bool $useHttps = false,
?ClientInterface $client = null,
array $options = []
Construct API to use HTTPS for API calls
Note: The Numverify api has different plan options when signing up for an access key. The 'free' plan can not use the secure (HTTPS) url for the API.
$useHttps = true;
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps); // Optional second parameter
Construct API to use a custom Guzzle client or options
Note: If creating and passing your own client to Api
, it will completely ignore $useHttps
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'timeout => 10
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, $client);
If you simply want to change some of Guzzle's default options, pass them along to the optional $options parameter instead.
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, null, ['timeout => 10]);
// or
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, options: ['timeout => 10]);
Construct API to use a cache
The Api constructor allows you to pass an optional $options
parameter, typically used to pass Guzzle options on to the client.
If you specify cachePath
within $options
, and it is a valid directory, the constructor will add the cache handler to Guzzle's handler stack.
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, options: ['cachePath' => '/tmp']);
API failures throw a `
// Numverify API server error
try {
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
$statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 500
$message = $e->getMessage(); // Unknown error - 500 Internal Server Error
// Numverify API failure response
try {
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
$statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 200
$message = $e->getMessage(); // Type:invalid_access_key Code:101 Info:You have not supplied a valid API Access Key.
Submitting bugs and feature requests
Bugs and feature requests are tracked on GitHub
Issues are the quickest way to report a bug. If you find a bug or documentation error, please check the following first:
That there is not an Issue already open concerning the bug
That the issue has not already been addressed (within closed Issues, for example)
Contributions of code and documentation from the community is welcome.
These contributions can be made in the form of Issues or Pull Requests on the Numverify API for PHP repository.
Numverify API Client for PHP is licensed under the MIT license. When submitting new features or patches to this library, you are giving permission to license those features or patches under the MIT license.
Numverify API Client for PHP tries to adhere to PHPStan level 9 with strict rules and bleeding edge. Please ensure any contributions do as well.
Before we look into how, here are the guidelines. If your Pull Requests fail to pass these guidelines it will be declined and you will need to re-submit when you?ve made the changes. This might sound a bit tough, but it is required for me to maintain quality of the code-base.
PHP Style
Please ensure all new contributions match the PSR-12 coding style guide. The project is not fully PSR-12 compatible, yet; however, to ensure the easiest transition to the coding guidelines, I would like to go ahead and request that any contributions follow them.
If you change anything that requires a change to documentation then you will need to add it. New methods, parameters, changing default values, adding constants, etc are all things that will require a change to documentation. The change-log must also be updated for every change. Also PHPDoc blocks must be maintained.
Documenting functions/variables (PHPDoc)
Please ensure all new contributions adhere to:
when documenting new functions, or changing existing documentation.
One thing at a time: A pull request should only contain one change. That does not mean only one commit, but one change - however many commits it took. The reason for this is that if you change X and Y but send a pull request for both at the same time, we might really want X but disagree with Y, meaning we cannot merge the request. Using the Git-Flow branching model you can create new branches for both of these features and send two requests.
Eric Sizemore - <> - <>
Numverify API Client for PHP is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
This library is a fork
of the markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php
( library by Mark Rogoyski
To see a list of changes in this library in comparison to the original library, please see the file.