PHP Classes

Codeigniter Db_form: Generate forms to edit database table records

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ci-db-form-generator 1.7Artistic License5.3HTML, PHP 5, Databases


This class can generate forms to edit database table records using Code Igniter.

It can setup a form given a table name and optional table fields to be edited in the form.

The class can configure properties of the fields to include like the type, options, content, attributes.

The form fields can be loaded from the results of a given database query.

The class can render the form output from the given form and field definitions.

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->load->library('db_form', array(), 'form');

/* Instance form (required)*/
// 1 mode
$this->form->setForm('<table name>');
// 2 mode
$this->form->setForm('<table name>', array('<field name>'=>'<label name>', ...) );

/* configuring render (optional)*/
// Filter fields
$this->form->setForm('<table name>')->filter( array('<field name>', ... ) );

// Change field parameters | Change/Add Label text
$this->form->field('<field name>')->label('<label text>');

// Change field parameters | Change type (form library codeigniter)
$this->form->field('<field name>')->type('dropdown');

// Change field parameters | add options to field (for dropdown, radio, checkbox, etc)
$this->form->field('<field name>')->options( array('< value >'=>'< label >', ...) );

// Change field parameters | add html attributes
$this->form->field('<field name>')->attr( array('< attribute >'=>'< value >', ...) );

// Change field parameters | add value or array values for checkbox
$this->form->field('<field name>')->value( '<field value>' );

// Change field parameters | set new values for class parameter to unique field
$this->form->field('<field name>')->config( array('<class variable>'=>'<new value>') );

// Change field parameters | add pre and after input content
$this->form->field('<field name>')->content( array('before'=>'< value >', 'after'=>'< value >') );

/* Configuring general bootstrap render output */
// Dynamic Change class parameters
$this->form->setConfig( array('<config var>'=>'<new value>') );

// Stand alone change
$this->form-><config var> = '<new value>';

/* IMPORTANT: see config vars in end of this Doc */

/* Fill form with result (optional)*/
// Get query
$qr = $this->db->query( '<row return>' )->result_array();
// or Set array
$qr = array( '<field name1>'=>'<value>', ... );

$this->form->fill( $qr );

/* Render form (required )*/
// For default print a array with block input | optional parameter print(true|false)
$rtn = $this->form->render( <auto print(true|false)> );

$rtn['<field name>'];

/* Public config vars */
 $fieldset = true;
 $fieldset_name = '';
 $out_type = 'bootstrap';
 $form_class = 'form-horizontal';
 $form_action = '';
 $parentt = true;
 $parent_tag = 'div';
 $parent_class = 'form-group';
 $label = true;
 $label_tag = 'label';
 $label_class = 'col-md-3 control-label';
 $input_parent = true;
 $input_parent_tag = 'div';
 $input_parent_class = 'col-md-6';
 $input_class = 'form-control';
 $input_check = array('checkbox'=>'');
 $btn_submit = true;
 $btn_submit_config = array('name'=>'btn_submit', 'class'=>'btn btn-success', 'value'=>'Gravar');
 $btn_apply = true;
 $btn_apply_config = array('name'=>'btn_apply', 'class'=>'btn btn-info', 'value'=>'Aplicar');
 $submit_config = array('label_tag'=>'div');

Screenshots (2)  
  • 2tr.png
  • 1tr.png
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