PHP Classes

What is the best PHP vehicle tracking system class?: Getting distance to calculate fuel used and cost from map

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What is the best PHP vehicle tracking system class?

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Picture of Ignatius Charewa by Ignatius Charewa - 4 years ago (2020-03-24)

Getting distance to calculate fuel used and cost from map

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A company suffers from fuel misuse, reckless driving and unauthorized journeys.

The system must calculate fuel used, distance traveled, granted driver permission and time taken to cover a certain journey.

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2 Recommendations

PHP Openstreetmap Route API: Calculate route between two locations with OSM API

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler package author package author Reputation 370 - 4 years ago (2020-03-28) Comment

I do not know if it is the best class, but it fulfills the requirements in my project (determining the route and estimated travel time between two or more locations). The class can also save the calculated route for visualization as a GeoJSON or GPX file. In connection with the optionally specified OSM-Nominatim class routes can also be determined without existing geolocations.

PHP Vehicle Routing Problem: Compute routes of trucks delivering client orders

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 23950 - 4 years ago (2020-03-25) Comment

There is this class for finding routes that you may use to calculate distances but this is not a complete system as you seem to be looking for.

Recommend package