PHP Classes

upload multiple files: I need script for upload multiple files and images

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upload multiple files


Picture of suliman alkhateeb by suliman alkhateeb - 8 years ago (2015-12-12)

I need script for upload multiple files and images

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I need script for upload multiple files and images

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Ettore Moretti by Ettore Moretti - 8 years ago (2015-12-14) Reply

    In HTML5 you can use the "multiple" attribute in the tag input type = "file".

    HTML Example:

    <form action = "upload.php" method = "post" enctype = "multipart / form-data"> <input type = "file" name = "files []" multiple /> <input type = "submit" value = "Upload" /> </ form>

    In upload.php you can recover data files with the global variable $_FILES.

    Being a HTML5 features, you will need to deal with the compatibility of different browsers:

    Chrome 6.0 or higher Explorer 10.0 or higher Firefox 3.6 or higher Safari 5.0 or higher Opera 5.0 or higher

    Ask clarification

    2 Recommendations

    PHP Multi File Uploader: Validate and process one or more file uploads

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of MOUSTAFA ELGAMMAL by MOUSTAFA ELGAMMAL package author package author Reputation 185 - 8 years ago (2016-02-29) Comment

    This class can validate and process one or more file uploads.

    There is one class that can validate and process individual file uploads. It checks if the file name extension and MIME type is one of the allowed, as well if the file size is below the allowed size limit.

    The class can create the destination directory if it does not exists and move the uploaded file to that directory.

    Another class calls the first to validate and process multiple files being uploaded.

    Short Code CRUD: Perform CRUD operations on MySQL table records

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 23770 - 8 years ago (2015-12-14) Comment

    There are plenty of classes to handle file uploads. This provides that feature among others including retrieving files uploaded with a multiple file select.

    Recommend package