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What is the best PHP docx to pdf class?: View DOCX or PPTX uploaded files in PDF format

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What is the best PHP docx to pdf class?

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of saurabh karve by saurabh karve - 8 years ago (2016-01-13)

View DOCX or PPTX uploaded files in PDF format

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I want to view the currently uploaded files (which are in Excel format) in PDF format.

If I upload a docx or pptx file, then I should be able to view in PDF reader or in PDF format.

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. Picture of Arash. Ataei by Arash. Ataei - 8 years ago (2016-01-20) Reply

    If you wanna convert a file into another file ( .docx -> .pdf ), you need to know the scenario. I will post the scenarion as soon as possible.

    • 1. Picture of Axel Hahn by Axel Hahn - 8 years ago (2016-01-19) Reply

      You need to convert office documents first. It can be done with a libreoffice installation (that requires java on your webserver).

      /usr/bin/lowriter --headless --convert-to pdf [infile]

      it converts minimum "doc", "docx", "ppt", "pptx", "rtf", "xls", "xlsx"

      With a few traffic you can start the converter ie.e. with exec(). This creates a new process on your system and many of it will end in a high system load. Then you need a spooler.

      Do you search for a converter or a spooler?

      Ask clarification

      1 Recommendation

      PHP Reports: Generate PDF and DOCX reports from Word templates

      This recommendation solves the problem.
      This recommendation does not solve the problem.


      Picture of Murat Cileli by Murat Cileli package author package author Reputation 195 - 8 years ago (2016-04-17) Comment

      Upload you DOCX file PHP-Reports Template Manager and convert / download from your code.

      Recommend package